Episode 161

Do You Know You Can Negotiate Your Medical Bills? Here’s how. | E161 Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington

In today’s conversation, we will learn how to negotiate your medical bills. Wait, you can do that?

Yeah, this was new to me too. Maybe it was the confusing medical jargon or the assumption that hospitals charge fair prices, but negotiating never crossed my mind…and you know I love to negotiate just about everything.

Not only should you be negotiating your medical bills, you should be scrutinizing them for errors. As you’ll learn in this episode, 80% of medical bills have errors, and go figure, they almost always work out in the favor of the medical provider.

Today, Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington joins me to share her three-step process for negotiating medical bills. As an internal medicine physician and former health insurance executive, Dr. Virgie thought she understood the system - that was until she was diagnosed with cancer and saw firsthand how patients get crushed by medical debt.

After witnessing her hospital roommate get taken advantage of by balance billing, Dr. Virigie had had enough. Now she is on a mission to help Americans fight back against excessive healthcare costs, one bill at a time.

If you want to protect yourself from medical debt and take control of your healthcare costs, this episode is for you.

I hope you enjoy my conversation with medical billing expert and 2-time cancer patient…Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington.

Key Takeaways:

  • The devastating impact of medical debt on Americans
  • How to identify errors on your medical bills
  • Why the first bill from your provider isn’t the final bill
  • How to research fair pricing for medical services
  • A step-by-step script for negotiating lower costs with your provider’s billing department

More of Dr. Vrigie:

Website: www.crushmedicaldebt.com

More of The Struggle is Real:

Find show notes and more at https://www.tsirpodcast.com/

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for The Struggle is Real: Making Financial Independence Feel Achievable and Fun
The Struggle is Real: Making Financial Independence Feel Achievable and Fun
Pursue Financial Independence While Enjoying the Present