Episode 117

Passion or Paycheck? The Career Conundrum | E117

Should my career be driven by passion and purpose or serve as a means of financial stability? At one point or another, you will face this career conundrum. 

I’ve thought a lot about whether I should follow a practical career path with a stable income and obvious earning power or take a chance on a path that will be filled with passion and fulfillment but the money and stability aren’t quite as obvious.

At some point in the first decade of your career, this will probably be a decision that you have to consider.

I don’t know why it is that some of the most stable and practical careers lack excitement and the thrilling and purposeful choices always come with huge question marks when it comes to money, stability, and freaking health insurance.

It would be very easy for me to be the optimist and daydreamer and say go for it. Follow your dreams. You only live once but money and stability are significant factors and your job is only one dimension of your whole life that doesn’t have to be optimized for fulfillment.

This choice is daunting, if not downright overwhelming. But I’m here to offer some thoughts on which path might be right for you at this current moment or even better, how one might find a balance of passion and practicality.

Key Takeaways:

  • 6 reasons to choose money over passion
  • Lacking passion for your work can come at cost
  • 6 reasons to choose passion over money
  • Why passion with no money can add unnecessary financial stress
  • 3 approaches to have a career filled with passion and money
  • How your perspective and priorities can change your approach over time


Passion Or Profit? Crafting A Career That Honors Both (Forbes): https://www.forbes.com/sites/kathymillerperkins/2023/07/26/passion-vs-pragmatism-decoding-the-career-conundrum/?sh=39807bf02d75

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Show artwork for The Struggle is Real: Making Financial Independence Feel Achievable and Fun
The Struggle is Real: Making Financial Independence Feel Achievable and Fun
Pursue Financial Independence While Enjoying the Present