Episode 13
Relationship Lessons from Our First Year Dating I E13 Gaby Deimeke
Today’s episode is a little different than the usual interview style format.
Gaby Deimeke and I have officially been dating for one year, so I invited her on the show to have a discussion about the past year together.
We share insights including what we’ve learned about each other, what we plan to work on in year two, and break down what’s worked for us so far.
We are far from perfect but we are hoping that we might just say something that you can try out in your relationship.
Key Takeaways:
[8:48] Effort is the bedrock of every healthy relationship
[11:45] Sharing the spotlight and supporting each other in our relationship
[21:08] How we adapt to each other’s primary love languages
[31:25] How we do weekly date nights
[45:09] Being able to respectfully tell your partner no
[53:10] Defining core values in our relationship
Favorite Quotes:
[3:07] Okay, wow. We are a year in, forever to go.
[8:51] Always put in 10 times the effort even if you aren’t going to get that in return.
[29:06] Real love and real relationships are the most effort you can put in.
[55:27] Figure out what values you want to cultivate. And it's crazy how much by being intentional about cultivating it, it will come into your relationship.
5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Relationship Theory with Tom & Lisa Bilyeu
More of Gaby:
Instagram: @gdeimz
Website: www.gabydeimeke.com
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